Sunday, July 31, 2022

Response to "The Senate GOP's reckless intrusion into Iran negotiations"

Your recent editorial "The Senate GOP's reckless intrusion into Iran negotiations' fails to point out  the hypocrisy on the part of the Democrats. I do agree that perhaps the letter would have been better served if printed in the NY Times. That being said, the Democrats need to stop their hyperbole. At least seven times in recent history  Democrats advised America's enemies to oppose the President. In 2002, Democratic House members traveled to Iraq to avert the American led invasion in opposition to George W. Bush's foreign policy. In 1987 Democratic House Speaker Jim Wright of Texas personally entered into peace talks involving Contra and Sandinista leaders in Nicaragua and worked out a deal to bring Ortega to the US to visit with lawmakers without the approval of President Reagan. In 2007 when the Bush administration tried to isolate the Assad regime for failing to crack down on insurgents who used the country as a base for attacking Iraq, Nancy Pelosi , the Democratic Speaker of the House at the time, traveled to Damascus to meet with the beleaguered tyrant.

How sad that many Democrats are blowing this up into an artificial controversy. This is averting the focus away from the real problem which is recognized by the vast majority of both parties- Iran's path towards acquiring a nuclear weapon and a proposed weak deal that will apparently hasten the way.
Carol Denbo
18 Aspen Road
Swampscott MA
sent to Globe March 2015 //never published

Response to "Netanyahu’s victory, US must reconsider relationship with Israel"

After reading Michael Cohen's highly critical article "Netanyahu’s victory, US must reconsider relationship with Israel" I could not help but notice no mention of the fact that Mahmoud Abbas has repeatedly asserted he will never accept "two states for two peoples" and has consistently refused to come to the table for direct talks "sans" pre-conditions even during the 10 month building freeze .

Violent upheavals in the Middle East and the continuation of incitement against Jews and Israel  would seem to be a logical explanation for Netanyahu's observation that there can never be another Palestinian Arab State. That being said,  if and when conditions were to improve and Abbas  were to recognize  and accept Israel's right to exist as a sovereign Jewish State, perhaps the time would come   to talk about two states. But until that happens, why are the White House and State Dept simply  ignoring the facts , castigating Netanyahu and planning to punish Israel for reacting to this?  Why is the media not acting responsibly and questioning our leaders about this unfair double standard?

Carol Denbo
Swampscott MA
Sent to Globe in March 2015//never published

Response to "Keeping the dream of a Palestinian state alive"

Ms Stockman's  article of "Keeping the dream of a Palestinian state alive" totally misrepresents the facts. If the Palestinian Arabs truly wanted a state, why did they reject the Peel Commission in 1936, the UN Partition plan of 1948, the Israeli offers in 2000, 2001, and 2008?

Why did they not push for a state between 1948 and 1967 when the disputed territories were under Arab control? Why has the Arab population grown cynical about peace talks?

Not because the Israelis have rejected peace talks but simply because the Arab leadership has run away from the negotiating table  and in more than two decades have yet to make a single concession. Israeli leadership including Prime Minister Netanyahu have stated over and over again that they are willing to accept a Palestinian State as long as it is prepared  to live in peace with Israel  and accept Israel as a sovereign Jewish State.

However, the PLO Charter, the Fatah constitution and the Hamas Charter clearly call for the destruction of the State of Israel  and state that "armed struggle is the only way to liberate Palestine". This does not sound like a wish for peace.  Mr Bahour's statement that there were 100000 settlers when Oslo was signed and that has now increased to 500000 is extremely misleading. According to the Jewish Virtual library the population of Judea and Samaria last year was 322000 and the majority of those people are in areas that would remain part of Israel in any agreement Unfortunately the UN bid to keep the dream of a Palestinian state alive is really an attempt to create an Arab state without  negotiating a true peace. It is simply  a preparation for the next stage of the ultimate goal - the  annihilation of the State of Israel.

Carol Denbo
Swampscott Mass
Submitted in March 2015 to Globe//never published

Question the White House Double Standard

 I realized that I've totally neglected this blog for more than seven years, during which - incredibly enough - the Boston Globe has gotten even worse. I've now resolved to go back and start posting letters I've sent which they've neglected to publish. At this point, it's been more than four years since they've published any of my letters and I've sent them at least 84 letters during that period. It's pretty clear to me that, besides their general reluctance to publish anything positive about Israel, they've canceled me.

Hopefully, others will also post their unpublished letters sent to the Boston Globe. To do so, send them to me at You may also request authorization to post directly.

Here's the first of my backlog of unpublished letters, submitted March 21, 2015 with the subject "Question the White House Double Standard."

To the editor:

Reading Michael Cohen's highly critical article, "Netanyahu's political casualties," I couldn't help but notice no mention was made of the fact that Mahmoud Abbas has repeatedly asserted he will never accept "two states for two peoples," which along with the violent upheavals in the Middle East provide the reason for Netanyahu's observation that there won't be another Palestinian Arab state until these conditions change.

More important, why are the White House and State Department ignoring both Abbas' long-standing rejection of "two states for two peoples" while castigating Netanyahu and planning to punish Israel for reacting to it, and why is the media not acting responsibly and questioning our leaders about that unfair double standard?


Alan Stein, Ph.D.